Brand new, unused sensors in perfect condition. Compatible with almost every thermal device incoportating a 320x240 sensor, such as AN/PAS13 D, AN/ PAS 23, CNVD-T series, BAE Skeet IR, etc.
SySTeM FeATuReS FoCAl PlAne ARRAy Detector Type Uncooled VOx Microbolometer Array Size 320 x 240 Detector Pitch 25 μm Spectral Response LWIR 8 - 14 μm viDeo Frame Rate 60 Hz nominal Data Rate 6.25 MHz Format NTSC/PAL Compatible eleCTRiCAl Power ≤ 300 mW Nominal PART nuMbeR 5012500-0002 PeRFoRMAnCe Sensitivity (neTD) 99% number of Analog outputs 1 output voltage Range 0.5 - 4.5 v Time Constant ≤ 18 msec Temperature Stabilization No TEC required (On-Chip Temperature Feedback) on-chip non uniformity Correction (nuC) 6 bits parallel MeChAniCAl Dimensions (l x W x h) 3.18 x 2.03 x 0.79 cm (1.25 x 0.8 x 0.31 inches) Weight ≤15 g enviRonMenTAl operating Temperature-40°C to +71°C Storage Temperature-46°C to +85°
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